FastAI Setup


Agastya Patel


December 29, 2023


December 30, 2023

In this section we’ll be going through the setting up the wsl for FastAI.

Read more about mamba, conda and all package managers in Package Manager and Environment

Setting up Windows Subsystem

  • Set wsl
  • get the miniforge/mambaforge(deprected)
  • run the
  • mamba install ipython
  • mamba install jupyter lab
  • mamba install pytorch
  • conda install fastai

Useful Bash Commands Tables

Command Action
ls -l get long form (file, data, size-bytes)
ls -l -h human readable data like the size of the file in MB
less <filename> Open the file
wget <url> Download file
sudo -u <user> -i Change user
ctrl+d Exit any application running in shell
! <some_letter> Opens similar letter recent application Eg; !ju # Might open jupyterLab
!! Opens last command
cd -- Most recent Directory
pushd ~ Stash Dir
popd Unstash Dir (Pop Dir)
echo $ENV_VAR
echo $PATH
Returns value of environment variables like Path Variable
df -h disk usage
logout exit
ls . | Head Show first 10
ls . | Tail Show last 10
ls . | wc -l Gives number of lines (items)
ls . | grep 33 Search 33

Mamba Commands

  1. Create new environment ==mamba create -n <env_name> <dependency>== mamba create -n tmp 'python<3.10' fastcore
  2. Activate/deactivate mamba activate <env_name> mamba deactivate

PIP Commands

pip -U <library> : Upgrade library pip -U --user <library> : Installs library in User Directory in .local folder



sudo apt install tmux

Command Action
ctrl + b %
ctrl + b "
Split Pane horizontal and vertical
ctrl + b Arrow Focus around Panes
ctrl + b d Delete Pane
ctrl + b z Zoom into/out-of pane


nvidia-smi dmon: Chec for sm and mem column

Cloud Environments


Q. How to set common library?

  1. pip install --user with this flag so that the lib is installed in .local
  2. move the .local to /storage/.local
  3. create symblink from /storage/.local as target and it would create .bash.local in storage which would fire up time new instance has been called